Saturday, March 26, 2011

Amiga Graphics

When I first started making games, I was at college doing a computing degree and trying to become a game designer. I dug out these old Amiga images for a bit of nostalgic reminiscing ^_^

Green alien, I remember painting all the gradients 1 pixel at a time.
Copied this image from an aliens comic, as I remember.
Some weird contraption I remember drawing while at college.
And you just must have a Discworld picture!
The Liberator from the mighty Sci-Fi Blakes 7".
Done in Hi-Res 16 colour mode... it looked better on my tele.
Drew this one in "overscan" mode so it filled the whole tv screen.
Loading screen for an Amiga game called "Escape"
All the sprites for the "Escape" game.
No demo would be complete without an unreadable font.
Logo for an Amiga coding group!
Another groups logo...
...and another.