Sunday, April 26, 2009

Keith Goes Painting

Keith Goes Painting is a bouncey, squishy, splatty "arcade adventure" platform type game. I miss the term "arcade adventure", whatever happend to that term? There used to be loads of arcade adventure games on the old c64 and Amiga.

I wrote Keith Goes Painting in java because I wanted to learn the language, and having a good project to do is the best way to learn a new system I always think. I originally wrote KGP on the amiga, it was a flick screen affair then. Some of the graphics are taken from that original version which my mate and I created while we were at college long...long ago.

Anyhoo, here are the instructions from the old web page:

And here are some screen shots from the old web page:

Download Keith Goes Painting (20 meg).

Thrust and Shoot

Game I created for the Dundee Games Jam where you make a game in a day. I had always wanted to make a thrust type game so I didn't bother comming up with an idea based on the theme of the jam... just wanted to make thrust game... so there :P

Download Thrust and Shoot.

Etcha Breakout

Little prototype for a game based on breakout and etcha sketch type thing.

Download Etcha-Breakout

Puzzle Invaders

Game prototype where you have to shoot the white baddies with white bullets (left mouse button) and the black baddies with black bullets (right mouse button). You only have a set amount of bullets and you loose one if you hit the wrong coloured baddy with it.

Download Puzzle Invaders